Nokia - Fostering Innovation
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB023
Case Length : 14 Pages
Period : 1997 - 2002
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Nokia
Industry : Mobile Telecommunication
Countries : Finland
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Fostering Innovation
The vision and mission of Nokia played a very important role in fostering
innovation. Nokia's vision was to create and operate in, what the company calls,
"an inclusive environment." An inclusive environment refers to a culture which
emphasizes individual and cultural differences and seeks to benefit from these
Nokia believed that diversity is one of the key determinants of
success, as it increased creativity, mirrored the marketplace, and improved the
attraction and retention of human resources, among other things. An inclusive
environment seeks and values diversity with a view to benefiting from it...
The Secrets of Nokia's Success
In 'The Nokia Revolution,' Dan Steinback explores the growth and evolution
of Nokia from a small Finnish company to a global conglomerate. He suggests
that the success of the company is due to the following reasons.
1. Bold Strategic Intent: Nokia boldly rushes forward to seize new
opportunities and products and does not debate and agonize over first mover
Research & Development
The R&D set up at Nokia was rather different from that of other
companies. While most large companies had centralized R&D facilities
with tall hierarchical structures to facilitate strict control over
processes and research, Nokia's R&D operations were scattered across
the world in 69 sites, and its 19,579 (as on December, 2002)
engineers, designers and sociologists were given complete freedom to
operate and develop their own ideas, over and above their officially
designated research projects. The structure was flat and most of the
employees reported directly to the head of R&D... |
Questioning Nokia's Culture
Analysts felt that Nokia's open and supportive culture gave employees the
opportunity to develop their skills and as a result, contribute more to the
organization. However, openness was not without its share of pitfalls...
Exhibit I: Market Share of Major Players in Mobile Phones
Exhibit II: Innovations in 2002*
Exhibit III: Nokia's Firsts In Mobile Phones
Exhibit IV: Nokia's Production Facilities and R&D Centers
Exhibit V: Nokia Code of Conduct
Exhibit VI: The Nokia Way